
Hong Kong Region Committee Position
Email Address
Cordia YU
Honorary Secretary
Eric TSE
Honorary Treasurer / Women Surveyors Group Leader
Queenie Yi Kay YU
Senior Vice Chairman
Calvin LI
Vice Chairman (CM)
YU Kwok Lit
Vice Chairman (GE)
Jerry, YEUNG Chi Leong
Vice Chairman (Membership - CM)
Henry, TSOI Yat Shing
Vice Chairman (Membership - GE)
Benny FUNG
Vice Chairman (Education)
WONG Hon Fai
External Affairs (Greater Bay Area) Sub-Committee Chairman
CHAN Chi Man
External Affairs (Professional Organisations) Sub-Committee Co-Chairman
External Affairs (Professional Organisations) Sub-Committee Co-Chairman
External Affairs ( Eudcation Institutions) Sub-Committee Co-Chairman / IT Director
Henry NG
External Affairs ( Eudcation Institutions) Sub-Committee Co-Chairman
Albert WONG
CPD Convenor / External Affairs ( Construction Organisations) Sub-Committee Chairman
Patrick KY WONG
BIM Sub-Committee Chairman
Kelvin KUO
Underground Utility Survey Sub-Committee Chairman
Contract Adminstartion Sub-Committee Chairman
Ian SO
Construction Law and ADR Sub-Committee Chairman
Construction Technology and Innovations Sub-Committee Chairman
WONG Tsz Tat Boris
YES Group Co-leader
Andson SIN
YES Group Co-leader / Regional Social Media Editor
Sam NG
Regional Newsletter Editor
Ginny CHAU
IT Director
Franky LO
Raymond CHAU
KEUNG Shun Lok
Jacky Ng
Immediate Past Chairman 2019-2023
Daniel SUM
Past Chairman 2017-2019/ Sustainability Sub-Committee Chairman
Yu Lap Chu
Past Chairman 2015-2017
Miranda LUI
Past Chairman 2013-2015
Michael WONG
Past Chairman 2011-2013
Honby CHAN
Past Chairman 2009-2011
Andrew KEUNG

Royal Charter, Bylaws, Regulations and Rules

The royal charter sets out the object and role of the institution, outlines the governance structure and permits CICES to make the bylaws, regulations, and rules. The charter also lists the membership grades, and authorises the use of post nominal letters by members.

Members of the institution throughout the world, are bound by the CICES Code of Professional Conduct. This ensures that all members observe the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. The code of professional conduct is available on request from CICES HQ.

CICES members who breach the code of professional conduct lay themselves open to disciplinary action by CICES. If you think that an CICES member may have breached the code of professional conduct, and you would like guidance on how to make a complaint, please contact CICES HQ. CICES Royal Charter and Bylaws

For further information about the documents in this section, please contact the institution's honorary secretary through CICES HQ.



CICES members cover a wide range of specialisms within construction commercial management and geospatial engineering. Members are encouraged to take part in the future development of the institution and there are various committees and working groups established to provide a forum where you can meet to discuss and promote civil engineering surveying.

Council of Management

The Council of Management determines the overall direction and policy of the institution. It is composed of the president, vice presidents and 15 members, all of whom are directors and trustees of CICES. The council is responsible for the administration of the institution's core committees and panels.

Commercial Management Practices Committee (CMPC)

The CMPC represents the interests of those studying and employed within the field of construction commercial management and promotes standards of excellence within the profession. The CMPC works in collaboration with other professional bodies and has a joint Commercial Management Board with the ICE. The CMPC acts as parent to several panels and working groups.

Geospatial Engineering Practices Committee (GEPC)

The GEPC represents the interests of those studying and employed within the field of geospatial engineering and promotes standards of excellence within the profession.

Education, Professional Development and Membership Committee (EPD&M)

EPD&M is responsible for establishing educational and training standards for CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYORS through the accreditation of academic courses and the provision of training guidelines, a continuing professional development (CPD) scheme and a range of training courses and workshops. It also establishes membership criteria and administers applications.

Finance and General Purpose Committee (F&GP)

The F&GP committee provides the financial governance of the institution's activities.

International Affairs Committee (IAC)

This committee co-ordinates overseas activities, including involvement with the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and promoting the institution’s regions and membership overseas. It also develops relationships with international professional organisations and academic establishments.

CICES Network

The CICES Network represents the views of early career members on all aspects of their studies, training and employment.

Civil Engineering Surveying

Civil engineering construction makes a vital contribution to the world’s economy, employing millions of people across the globe. It is responsible for developing, creating and maintaining the infrastructure of countries of all levels of development and wealth.

Without a civil engineering industry there would be no clean water, no transport system, no sewage and waste disposal, no heat, no light and no power. The world’s infrastructure and its people would be at the mercy of the elements and the natural forces within our changing environment.


members play a key role in all stages of construction. From concept to design and development, from procurement to management, finalisation and resolution of disputes, from maintenance to monitoring – every step is influenced and enhanced by the involvement of a civil engineering surveyor.

By their skill and competence, CIVIL ENGINEERING SURVEYORS reduce the risk of failure at any stage of a construction project and not only make an important contribution to the bottom line of the companies and clients they represent, but help to underpin the sustainability of the industry by minimising and even eradicating the unnecessary wastes of time, resources, and money.